
Environmental sustainability, the protection of biodiversity, and respect for the land and its heritage are the guiding principles in the management of the vineyards and olive groves at Villa Calcinaia, which have been cultivated entirely using organic farming methods (certified by QCertificazioni srl) since 2000.

One of the most recent examples is represented by actions taken in the estate to benefit bees, the ultimate sentinels of environmental health. By implementing agronomic practices such as the sowing of specific plants and the creation of hedges compatible with their life, the farm aims to improve the quality of the habitat in which they live, in order to protect both the vegetation and, consequently, the animals.

Over the years, various techniques have also been employed aimed at energy savings, circular economy, and the use of renewable sources. These include a geothermal system composed of ten geothermal wells reaching a depth of 100 meters, the recovery of rainwater using the concrete tanks of the old cellar, the phytodepuration of wastewater from the farm’s drains, and the production of compost using by-products from the cultivation of vines and olives and the production of wine. The next goal will involve the agricultural sheds used for machinery storage, through the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs, which will enable the estate to be completely off the grid.

Adaptation to climate change has naturally also affected farming. In the last 15 years, the estate has indeed planted new vineyards in higher altitude areas, including a small vineyard of white grapes planted below Mount San Michele at approximately 720 meters above sea level, and has adopted the "alberello" system as the training system for all new plantings.

The "alberello" system is not mechanizable but allows for adjusting canopy management in particularly hot years and transforming what would typically be a "lamolese" training system into a "pantesco" one. The flexibility offered by the "alberello" training system can be an advantage in an evolving scenario like the current one.